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Want to be featured as a Survivor Story?

Adrian E.

First diagnosed when he was 6, Adrian has enjoyed life as a native Southern Californian including going to the beach, family vacations, and driving, but things changed in his 20s when his seizures became harder to manage. His doctors told him he was now living with intractable epilepsy and brain surgery was not an option […]

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Savannah V.

Just last year, on September 11, 2013, Savannah was diagnosed with Genetic Generalized Epilepsy at only 6 years old. She is at a very high risk for seizures and since going on Keppra has had none. Known as Lil Bit, she told her class all about Purple Day® and epilepsy. Her friends supported her by […]

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Jonny B.

Since being diagnosed with epilepsy in 2011, Jonny has been involved with epilepsy organizations. He was also an alcoholic and went through a dark period leading to a tragic suicide attempt. At the time, he didn’t want to accept the fact that he had epilepsy. Now 18 months sober, and having gone through a life […]

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Could This Be You?

Do you have a story to tell? If so, just contact us.

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